The Vespers. Ingetogen power van twee zussen en twee broers. Authentiek.
Lawdy, lawdy, please help me sleep
I’ve been tired for far too long, far too long, lawdy
Lawdy, lawdy, please give me peace
I’ve been scared for far too long, for far too long, lawdy
Hold me in your hands, help me understand
Guide me in your ways, lawdy, lawdy stay
Lawdy, lawdy abide with me
I need you to stay by my side, stay by my side, lawdy
Lawdy, lawdy, please help me see
I can’t be blind for all my life, for all my life, lawdy
Hold me in your hands, help me understand
Guide me in your ways, lawdy, lawdy stay
Lawdy, lawdy stay
Hold me in your hands, help me understand
Guide me in your ways, lawdy, lawdy stay
Hold me in your hands, help me understand
Guide me in your ways, lawdy, lawdy stay
Lawdy, lawdy stay
Lawdy, lawdy stay
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